Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Coffee - or こひ

Coffee. Who doesn’t likes it? Many people. But what makes it so phenomenal that for some people the day starts after drinking coffee? Well, to simply put, a good coffee can give a good head start for the day. Coffee can set out your mood for the day when you get the first sip. Imagine that sweet milk with that aromatic caffeine in your mouth, heading straight towards your throat. Gulp. Now I want coffee. Sigh.

Anyways, coffee beans have 2 types of categories. Arabica and Robusta.

Arabica beans tends to have more flavor with lower acidity. It’s grown in a higher altitude and costs more to produce hence making Arabica coffee beans a bit more expensive.

Robusta beans however, have a harsher taste with a higher level of caffeine and acidity. It’s grown at a lower altitude than Arabica beans. This type of bean is also a lot more cheaper. Most commercial coffee uses this type of beans.

Our cafe uses the premium Arabica coffee beans. That is why our coffee doesn’t have the same price with mamak. Because the beans itself is expensive. And the machine. And the milk. That’s why we can sell it at RM 2.00 per cup. How to cover the cost then. Haha. Okay back to the topic.

Aside from the beans, the roasting level also plays a factor in determining the taste of the coffee.
There are 3 general rosting level which are :

Light roast : This type of roasting gives out more of the original flavor as it has not been roasted for a long duration. It also has a higher acidity level with more delicate taste in the beans. The colour of the  beans would appear lighter brown with dry features.

Medium roast : This level of roasting is more popular than the other 2 types of roasting level. It gives more mouthfeel flavor than the Light roast beans, and also has a lower acidity level because it is roasted longer. The colour of the beans will be chocolate brownish. Because of the balanced between the flavor and acidity, most people tends to use Medium roast beans in their coffee.

Dark roast : Now for the people who like strong and smoky coffee taste, this one is for you. Dark roast coffee beans gives out stronger coffee taste with lower acidity, but because of the longer roasting time, the original flavor of the beans is overpowered. Usually, Robusta coffee beans is roasted with this level. The beans will appear with dark chocolate colour with oily surface.

That’s all for the types of beans. My preference is Arabica beans with medium roast level because it gives out the nice flavor without the bitter aftertaste later. The milk also plays a part in making an awesome coffee. But let’s talk about that later!

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