Thursday, March 8, 2018

Coffee and It's Relative.

What type of coffee do you like ? I prefer to drink a Vienna over latte. It has a stronger body with a sweet ending. What's a Vienna?

Okay, so here are some basic types of coffee that you'll see everyday.

Americano : Black coffee or espresso with water

Espresso : Coffee extract. Usually they drink this in the Europe. It's more of a grab and go drink rather than sitting around and sipping a cup of it. Espresso only consists of the coffee extract with nothing else. This is usually the small small cup that looks stylish when you pose for pictures but not many can take the taste.

Latte : This is quite famous because of the term Latte Art.It's actually a combination of espresso, milk, and a little bit of foam.  Many people think that when you call yourself a barista means you can whip out your wand and drew a picasso on the coffee. No. It takes quite a skill to make even a simple rosetta let alone to create a swan or even a cat. But there are a position called Latte Artist. There's also a Latte Art competition. So you can guess how big of a deal it is. But usually when i pour an art, the coffee has gone cold. So I usually stick to a simple love or a flower. It is more important that the coffee is nice. You can have a Mona Lisa on the cup but if the coffee is shitty, what's the point?

Cappucino :  It's exactly like Latte but with more foam. But most customers I get during my time working at Starbucks ordered this like it's so western. "Can I get a tall decaf cappucino with 2 pumps of sugar" . Now read it again with an accent. Cappucino makes people feel stylish when drinking it. It actually just coffee with milk and half of it is foam.

Mocha : This is also one of people's favorite. It chocolate drink with espresso. Coffee with chocolate. However you wanna see it.

Piccolo : This type of coffee is in between an espresso and latte. It's espresso with milk but in a smaller cup. So the taste of espresso is stronger in Piccolo compared to a Latte.

Flat white : It's basically like a Latte with lesser or no foam.

Macchiato : It espresso with a dollop of foamed milk.

So what's a Vienna? It's a Piccolo topped with Whipped Cream and a dash of cocoa powder. Yum!

This is the typical rosetta.

 This flower with a heart.


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